Super Delegates Will Write History by Nominating Sanders in Philadelphia 

Edited by Samantha Best

The brainchild of the 1968 Democratic Convention may finally show its brilliance in 2016, when the unbound Democratic superdelegates upend pledged delegates and popular vote and choose their party’s nominee, thus holding the final firewall they were originated for.

Superdelegates were never intended to have a majority status. In reality, they only make up about 15% of the delegates available. And more often than not, their opinion isn’t relevant to the nomination. However, the purpose of the minority power is not to elect a candidate. Rather, they were designed to prevent a loss in a general election, a proverbial safety valve to circumvent an obviously weak candidate.

This is the superdelegate’s role in the Democratic nomination process: they are independent judges that only emerge in marginal contests. Their function is to secure a nomination based upon available data and a completed primary map. Their sole task is to identify and eliminate the candidate that controls a frenzied base, yet fails to connect outside of their stronghold. They’re designed to stop a candidate like Hillary Clinton.

The control Clinton has over the Democratic base is frightening. Obvious vulnerabilities that would end any other candidate’s presidential bid are overlooked and dismissed by her loyalist support. Face it. Whenever drastic unfavorability, distrust, and a possible FBI indictment fail to internally dismiss a party’s candidate, you’re not dealing with a potential nominee. You’re describing the leader of a cult, the very thing superdelegates were designed to prevent.

Still, it will take more than just the identification of a faction candidate for this unprecedented political coup to occur. The decision to overrule pledged delegates and popular vote also requires a general election map that is more favorable to the faction’s opposition. Fortunately for Democrats, the electoral map is indeed stronger for Hillary Clinton’s opponent Bernie Sanders.

Just by glancing at the 2008 and 2012 presidential election maps, the general election frailties of Clinton are clear. In order for a Democrat to claim victory in November, the candidate must be able to win in 3 geographical areas. They need to control the Northeast, the upper Midwest, and the entire west coast.

Both Sanders and Clinton would be able to maintain the Northeast; it is an undeniable fact. The further west that Sanders goes, the stronger he becomes and the weaker Clinton gets. The last time the campaigns were on the west coast, Clinton lost the state of Washington by almost 50 points. Combine that with the possibility of losses in Ohio and Florida this November, and an objective evaluation of the general election map becomes crucial to the Democrats success.

However, even with most available data in favor of Sanders, in order for superdelegates to change ship at the convention, he must finish the primary race strong. The need for a convincing victory in California is paramount to this historical political coup. This is why the support of Sanders cannot fade into the night. It must remain steadfast and burn it’s very hottest, on the doorsteps of Philadelphia, to have superdelegates write history.

The 2016 Democratic presidential primary is what superdelegates were created for. If they were designed to vote along with their states or the popular vote, it would defeat their purpose and the visionary work of the McGovern-Frasier and later Hunt commissions. The commissions knew someday a minority power would be needed to block a faction candidate and prevent a general election loss.

Follow me on Twitter @calmopinto92

Hampton is a contributor at large to and Moniteau County Football FB

92 thoughts on “Super Delegates Will Write History by Nominating Sanders in Philadelphia 

    1. Why would you want to lock Warren into a position that has no relevance unless the President dies? I would suggest that Martin O’Malley might be the better choice. He and Bernie have very similar politics. Warren needs to keep doing what she is doing right now. That is where she is needed.

      Liked by 8 people

      1. I prefer Robert Reich as the VP, but your point remains well made – which is why Elizabeth has stated clearly that her highest value is right where she is.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. O’Malley is far more polarizing than many realize. I’m in MD and I’d never vote for him. He cozys up yo power for personal gain IMHO. He doesn’t have the street cred that Bernie has, and he’s awash with his own tawdriness. Bernie needs someone that isn’t Obama or Clinton. Two very polarizing figures, love them or not.


      3. It’d set her up to be president in 4 years though. Win or not there’s no way Bernie would run in 2020


      4. Yes but doesn’t a Sanders-Warren ticket put Elizabeth Warren in line for the presidency in 2020 or 2024?


      5. This movement isn’t status quo. I believe Sanders Warren union would bring about a transformation to the whole of American government. Bernie would never cheapen her as to not let her be the strong advocate she is. Together they would demand this system work solely for the interests of all the people. It is also our ability to make the change at our state levels to assist them with a functioning congress.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. Actually, I’m almost certain that Bernie would at least offer the SCOTUS spot for her if Obama would do what President Elect Sanders said he would ask and withdraw his nomination immediately after the general election to make way for Sanders candidate that MUST agree to repeal C.U.


      7. I’d much prefer he choose a woman. If not Warren, then Tulsi Gabbard or Nina Turner. I think he will choose a woman. I also think it will be Warren. As VP she would unite progressive and moderate democrat women and between them and the #Berniecrats she would do much in fighting wall street, big banks, Citizens United and other Sanders agenda items. She is admired in Congress and with the public and is not afraid to take on “big” issues.

        There are arguments for both Turner and Gabbard as well. They both step over racial and gender barriers Moreno than Warren.


      8. Yes, but, what if Bernie would not be chosen to be the nominee if Warren weren’t on the ticket? And, if she were VP for four years, she would be in a perfect position to be elected president for eight. And, finally, some people are worried about Bernie’s age. My daughter is going to vote for Hillary for that reason. But if Bernie does not finish 4 years, people will be happy to have Warren as “insurance.” Just saying’.


      9. Indeed I would prefer a Sanders/Stein ticket. I know she’s not a Dem, but she definitely falls in line with his agendas and is extremely well spoken. It would also allow Warren to be put in a more powerful position like chief of staff.


    2. Imagine the Trump commercials showing taxpayer wallets flying into the IRS. Trump will win by a landslide. Most Americans equate Socialism and the Progressive movement to communism and will never accept it.


      1. That myth has been shattered by the “Right Leaning Independents who support Bernie, who won’t support Hilliary in the general…


    3. Tulsi Gabbard as VP,
      Elizabeth needs to stay where she is (for now)
      Tulsi gives a massive number of the female Hilliary supportes a nearly as good mile stone. The first female VP.

      Bernie serves one term and then after brandnewcongress dot org does its job in 2018 we run Warren as the first female President, Tulsi servers her second term as VP (she is kinda young right now, right?)

      Warren then serves a second term and Tulsi a third as VP (another milestone).
      Then we run Tulsi as President… (Yet another cultural milestone 3xVP & 2xP)

      Easy peasy…


  1. Lol you’re saying the Superdelegates will back someone who has done nothing but bash our party and our process for over 3 decades. After raising hundreds of millions for himself and virtually nothing for Democrats, Superdelegates will just abandon Hillary, who has stood by Dems her entire adult life and has raised nearly $40 million in 2015 and 2016 for down-ballot Democrats. If you truly believe what you wrote in this article, you’re clearly delusional.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Millions for down ballot Dems? The Hillary victory fund has only given around 60 grand to each of the states in the committee. Hillary and the DNC have spent 99% of that money on themselves. Open your eyes and leave the cult of Clinton before she breaks out the cyanide kool aid.

      Liked by 7 people

      1. Hampton, thank you for writing this. It says exactly what we’ve all been trying to say, but at much too granular levels.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m glad you enjoyed it. But it was Debbie Wasserman Schultz that inspired the piece, when she referred to super delegates as a way to stop a grass roots activist from hi jacking the party. I just turned her argument around on the establishment candidate.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. He is one of the top Senators in getting bills to the floor, the money raised has been for him, by his individual supporters. Hillary has not given money from her Hillary victory fund to the dem party. She raised it for herself outside of FEC rules. If you think she gives a crap about anything other than power, then you are delusional. It is such a shame she has to take time off from the campaign to go give testimony to a federal judge. #bernieorbust #dropouthillary #neverher

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Bernie only passed three bills,two were naming post office. He piggyback back on bills that needed amending. His health plan didn’t even passed but the ACA did. He didn’t help write that either in fact he hated it but eventually voted for it.Bernie hasn’t ,been vetted but things are about to come that’s why he wants to make it hard for Hillary. So when FEC. Come out on him he thinks he can throw the media on Hillary.


    3. She did give less than 1% of money raised to the down ballot candidates. She’s pro-cracking, pro-death penalty, and pro-war. Sounds like a real democrat.

      Liked by 4 people

    4. Democrats are not a group of people that decide who they want to nominate before listening to the people. Democrats is not a club of guys that does not care about the current needs of the people that backs them every election. Democrats don’t rigged the primary election so that the Queen is coronated against the will of the people. And yes, you can say that she has more votes and is ahead. If this primary was fair, she would have been done long time ago.

      Liked by 6 people

    5. If by bash, you mean advocateod for the American workers, we the people, instead of shifting to the right by legislating to benefit the corporations and moneyed interests, then yes he bashed in party. The party of the people has become more Republican than a Republican president of the fifties, Eisenhower. He is the only true Democrat that has run for president since Carter.

      Liked by 3 people

    6. It pays to do your research:

      Throughout his career he has focused on the shrinking American middle class and the growing income and wealth gaps in the United States.

      As chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Sanders in 2014 passed legislation reforming the VA health care system. Congressional Quarterly said he was able “to bridge Washington’s toxic partisan divide and cut one of the most significant deals in years.”

      Today, Sanders remains on the veterans committee and was tapped by Senate leadership to be the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee.

      He also serves on the Environment and Public Works Committee, where he has focused on global warming and rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

      He is a member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, where he has championed efforts to transform our energy system from fossil fuels to renewable power sources like solar and wind.

      He also sits on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, where he has fought for greater access to affordable health care and improved education programs from pre-K to college.

      Hmm, it amazes me when the MSM as well as the DNC dismiss Bernie’s record in the Senate. He has been touted by Congress in the Congressional Quarterly in addition to being a “Ranking Member” of the Senate Budget Committee.

      Now tell me again, who will be able to get things done as POTUS?

      #NotMeUs #BernieOrBust #StillSanders #NeverHillary

      Liked by 6 people

    7. You say that she has raised all this money for down ballot dems, but that’s partly a lie and also part of the very problem. I’ll start with the problem and then adress the lie. The problem is that all that money is from the donor class, which is the very problem with our government and why all the other things we need to get done will never get done until we get money out of politics. Now for the lie; she actually hasn’t raised that much money for down ballot dems. Most of the money she’s raising is getting funneled straight into her SuperPAC priorities USA and isn’t going towards other dems. In fact, only about 1% of the money she’s raised in that way has actually made it to state democratic parties. Politico just released a piece on it about 2 days ago; Google it. It’s the very definition of bending rules to the point of breaking. In that way she has been able to gain more money than the law allows from donors like Alice Walton.

      Liked by 4 people

    8. Every one of your points in this response is utter bullshit. It has now been proven that Hillary’s “Victory Fund” has been giving money to different states, who turn around and funnel the money right back to Hillary. She has been collecting huge sums of money and giving 1% of it to states for down-ballot races. It is a money laundering. Everything she touches is shady.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Not “Shady” but unfortunately Black… As I black operations! She and her significant other (I use that term loosely) have been Using our nation for PERSONAL gain since being in the Arkansas Govenor’s residence and her ” I’m the ONLY woman ” on the Walmart board!


    9. She hasn’t raised nearly anything for down ballot candidates; only 1% of her “Victory Fund” has indeed made its way to campaigning for down ballot candidates. She has used her fund to create the illusion that she is helping other Democratic candidates, in order to “buy” super delegate votes, in addition to bypassing FEC campaign contribution limitations. She is a fake, a crook, and has only her own ambitions at heart.

      Liked by 2 people

    10. If you are fighting for the new Democrats, maybe.. but I thought we were electing the leader of our country, protector of the people? That IS what Democrats used to stand for, that is what I choose to support. She raised how much? Perhaps she is better suited to run for Queen of the Banks.

      Liked by 2 people

    11. It’s come out that she’s only given out 1% of the money raised, and her private donations are about equal to Bernie’s, though in addition she’s raised several million from her nasty super pacs and secret speeches. Don’t even go there.

      Liked by 1 person

    12. There’s currently an investigation right now about money laundering and Corruption between the DNC and the Clinton Foundation. Just another Scandal to attach to Clinton’s name. There are die-hard Democrat that will stick by her side no matter what, but unfortunately, there is a larger demographic of Independence or even people that consider themselves Centric, or even Republicans that have absolutely zero allegiance to the Democratic party. Hillary does not appeal to these people whatsoever. And in order to win an election you have to appeal to the majority of Americans not just the majority of the Democratic Party. This is bigger than Hilary, this is bigger than the DNC. This is the future of our country and all of its people. And the future of this country and overwhelmingly large numbers all want Bernie. He is the future of this party, not Hillary Clinton.

      Liked by 2 people

    13. You mean that fake money she’s been raising and embezzling for her campaign? Taking the 99% of funds from the Hillary Zvictory Fund? THAT money? She raised it for WHO again? HERSELF, that’s who.

      Liked by 1 person

    14. If only your comment were true. I guess you have neglected to read all the various articles out there that expressly show that only 1% of money raised by State Dem parties remained in the state while the Hillary Victory Fund funneled off 99% of the money for her campaign. THERE is no money for down ticket candidates. There has been no money since the state parties were manipulated into believing she would backwash the money and she didn’t. Google it. Just as in every other instance, the promise of support and cooperation has turned out to be a lie. Let’s not even open that can of worms because we would be discussing all the other lies for the next 24 hours at least, or would you simply say that they were all republican attacks or simply sexist? Enjoy the candidate of your personal choice, I am sure you have plenty of policy and platform reasons why you would choose your candidate. I am sure you have plenty of factual instances where she has passed legislation or voted in ways that supported your particular interests and the interests of your family and your future children. I certainly have those facts for my candidate.

      As for this article, I completely agree with the thinking. We all know that the primary calendar was front loaded with states that would support Clinton before anyone even knew who Bernie Sanders was. This does not make a front runner at all, and Sanders will not be coerced into stepping out of the race until every last Citizen has their right to cast their vote. Oh wait, let’s not forget that most Independents were disenfranchised and couldn’t vote but will certainly vote in the General. If the party is so important, why does the nominee need ANY support from Independents to get elected? Something to think about.

      Liked by 1 person

    15. Are you referring to the 1% she left to down ballot candidates from the total she raised from large donors? Her Victory Fund raised $61million in conjuction with 32 state parties. That money was supposed to go to those 32 state parties. However, Shillary had ALL the donations go through her Victory Fund, which kept 99% and gave 32 states a total of $610,000. Worse, some of those state parties were left with a greater funding problem than before Shillary’s “help” because their donors’ limits have been maxed out or are near their limits.

      At the same time, Bernie’s request to his supporters to fund down ballot progressives has generated hundreds of thousands of dollars that ALL went directly to the candidates.

      Do you see the difference here? One candidate used the donors for down ballot candidates to fund her own campaign leaving the down ballot candidates handicapped, while the other candidate actually sent all the donations directly to the down ballot candidates.

      One candidate wants to win at any cost and has consistently demonstrated a complete lack of ethics and integrity. The other candidate genuinely wants to help the 99% and has consistently demonstrated ethics and integrity in alignment with that desire.

      Liked by 1 person

    16. You’re saying they’ll put their own petty, childish feelings above the party’s chances of winning in November. You may be right, but let’s be clear, that’s what you’re saying.

      Liked by 1 person

    17. But Bernie has raised money for other campaigns before. And he is starting to branch out now. And it’s not necessarily bashing, it’s criticizing in an attempt to get the party to grow.


    18. They absolutely will if Bernie finishes strong in the rest of the primaries. You have to remember that at the end of the day they are politicians and will not want to be on the wrong side of the fence if Bernie were to win the nomination.


    19. Dissent and bashing are two vastly different characterizations of what Bernie Sanders has been engaged in during his time in Washington.
      A voice of dissent points the way to correcting flaws or avoiding mistakes. Dissent is the voice of reason and constructive dialogue. Bashing is casting aspersions and nothing more, like the Republicans who have done nothing but create barriers to any agreemts for years


    20. Sydney, Bernie has caucused with the Democrats for his entire career, sometimes being the deciding vote! He has done plenty for the Democratic party! He is the co-founder of the congressional progressive caucus. He doesn’t owe the Democratic party anything! They owe him their many thanks!


    21. All the money Hillary has raised has gone in effect , to HER. The Young Turks traced it. It went to the party only long enough to be transferred to her war chest. So, everything but a very small pittance went to her. The Party is supporting her by giving her all the money she raised for them. So, that means that the Democratic Party did not benefit from the money.


    22. She might have collected that FORTY million…. But she has yet to give it up to the down democrats…. Do your research….. She had been told twice from DNC to give up the money…. But still won’t do it…. It’s called EMBEZZLEMENT…. just another crime spree for her.. Just like WHITEWATER


  2. Thank you for raising positive interesting points in your article countering the mainstream propaganda. I hope you are correct. My concern is that she & the heads of the DNC bought those delegates. There are signs of grumbling since the money laundering that maxed out contributions to her campaign isn’t trickling down back to the States who didn’t volunteer but were told how it was going to work. It’s possible it could play out like bank robbers turning on each other in movies.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I was thinking the same thing about the bank robbers. My home state of Missouri needed that money, since we have absolutely no campaign finance limits and the only reason we haven’t passed right to work and the abolishment of the public school system is because of a democratic governor who vetoed it.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Maybe you need someone that has caucused with the Dem party instead of an actual Dem this time. Bernie is the man and he knows what he is doing. People have been beat down by the govt. so bad that when a good one comes along they think his ideas are pie in the sky.

        A little about him that you may not know because he’s not a bragger. He’s as humble as they come.

        Throughout his career he has focused on the shrinking American middle class and the growing income and wealth gaps in the United States.

        As chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Sanders in 2014 passed legislation reforming the VA health care system. Congressional Quarterly said he was able “to bridge Washington’s toxic partisan divide and cut one of the most significant deals in years.”

        Today, Sanders remains on the veterans committee and was tapped by Senate leadership to be the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee.

        He also serves on the Environment and Public Works Committee, where he has focused on global warming and rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

        He is a member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, where he has championed efforts to transform our energy system from fossil fuels to renewable power sources like solar and wind.

        He also sits on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, where he has fought for greater access to affordable health care and improved education programs from pre-K to college.

        Hmm, it amazes me when the MSM as well as the DNC dismiss Bernie’s record in the Senate. He has been touted by Congress in the Congressional Quarterly in addition to being a “Ranking Member” of the Senate Budget Committee.

        Now tell me again, who will be able to get things done as POTUS?

        #NotMeUs #BernieOrBust #StillSanders #NeverHillary

        Liked by 4 people

  3. 1. You completely ignore the fact that Clinton has received about 50% more votes, from actual voters, than Sanders.

    2. She’s had garbage flung at her for 25 years. Her numbers aren’t going any lower. He, on the other hand, has a gap in his record from 1968 to 1981, and what we have from that gap are a lot of badly-written, frankly sexist, pseudo-socialist screeds. All Trump has to do is quote these, and the swing voters that need to be courted will turn away.

    Don’t make the mistake of many Real Liberals in thinking that Americans who aren’t Real Liberals will embrace the liberal positions if they just listen. Most Americans don’t care for Real Liberals at all; you’ve only got about 3% of the population to come out and vote for Sanders, and this is in no way a revolution.


    1. 1. The majority of her support is in the south which doesn’t hold water in a general election.
      2. She is losing support where sanders is gaining. Yeah she was down about 50% in Indiana.
      3. She has the potential of being indicted by the FBI. That’s not right wing garbage that’s a true investigation.
      4. She still hasn’t released the transcripts.
      5. She has to pay for support very few do it willingly
      6. She has been a failure in every position she has held. Even Obama regrets her time as Secretary of State.
      7. Trump decimated the best republican establishment candidates since Reagan before the primary was through.
      8. It’s not an establishment year.
      9. An ap poll in April stated 49% would not vote for her.
      10. Her trade stance kills her in the Midwest
      11. This can keep going but it’s a fact if her last name wasn’t Clinton she wouldn’t even be on the ticket.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Wow Julian Cage that is some of the worst misinformed rambling I have seen in a long time, I bet you wear that Blues Brothers hat to hid the tin foil you wear so no Psychic can read you mind and steal all of you imaginary made up facts. Are you under Psychological care? If not you should be!

      Liked by 2 people

    3. I am puzzled why people think Sanders can beat Trump but Hillary can not. They say it is the people’s will, but how many people? I voted Sanders in the Primary, but these folks who would give Trump the win by writing in Bernie if he is not the nominee confuse me. Do they think their numbers are high enough-they are not. They think middle of the road Americans will turn to (what will be branded Communist) policies after heading tv spkt soundbytes. They won’t. They believe the majority of black, hispanic, immigrant (citizens) female & older voters will abandon the Party…I’ve seen reports that Bernie polls higher against Trump, and that Hillary polls higher against Trump-both in categories other than the economy. I don’t know which is accurate? Maybe a white male will do better against Trump than a white female?


  4. I’ll buy what they’re selling just as soon as they post the next winning powerball numbers, 24 hours in advance. That should be super easy, since its only a day, and they’re psychic superpowers apparently reach into July.

    We will be waiting for those powerball numbers….

    BTW…are not the the exact same superdelegates Bernie and his supporters have been saying for months are “evil and corrupt”? THOSE SDs? Funny how they arent corrupt anymore, now that he needs them to even come close to winning the Nomination.


    1. The only reason ppl were upset is Bc the process was foreign to his supporters and msm put their finger on the scales displaying them against the repeated requests of the DNC. SD are a wonderful facet to the dem process. It’s just they should be required to not acknowledge support until the convention after an objective evaluation is conducted.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. You are correct that 2016 is the sort of election year the superdelegates are designed to deal with, but quite incorrect that it’s Clinton they’re supposed to be preventing, or will. Clinton’s support is the same gotten by any standard boring Dem candidate like Kerry or Gore, normal in all regards including its failure to much interest the young. Nobody out there is very passionate about Clinton. No, I see vastly more adoring, intense, venom-spitting hellfire-and-brimstone-type talk from Sanders people than from Clinton people. And I say this even though I support him! No, I’m sorry, the cult-like following is entirely Sanders’, Sanders lacks Clinton’s diverse and centrist appeal (and no I am not someone that “centrist appeal” appeals to) and so it’s a Sanders nomination that the superdelegate system exists to prevent. The fact that most of the superdelegates attached themselves to Clinton long ago should have been more than sufficient to tell you that.


  6. Why does no one mention Rep. Castro for Veep. He gave the KEYNOTYE SPEECH, AND CAN DELIVER THE LATINO VOTE! He is young, experienced, well spoken, capable and has great Charisma.


    1. Not necessary since the Latino vote will not be going trump it will go to whoever is Democratic nominee. No need to try and pander to them and try some sneaky underhanded trick to win them over, it’s pretty much in the bag thanks to orange haired gorilla.


      1. Said by the 17 greatest republicans fielded for president since Reagan. Your living in a world where the air doesn’t move. This is anti establishment year and the quicker you understand this the better off we all will be.


      2. Apologies for the quicker you understand this comment thought you were a hill bot pushing she can get the Latino vote for sure


  7. Polls show Hillary dead even or losing to Trump. Meanwhile, polls show Bernie beating Trump by double digits:
    • Fox News: Sanders leads Trump by 14 points
    • Bloomberg: Sanders leads Trump by 24 points
    • Quinnipiac University: Sanders leads Trump by 14 points
    • CBS/The New York Times: Sanders leads Trump by 15 points
    • CNN/ORC: Sanders leads Trump by 20 points
    • NBC News/The Wall Street Journal: Sanders leads Trump by 18 points
    For the good of the country, Clinton supporters should ask her to step aside.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Having warren as VP would allow her to become president in 2020. It’s a brilliant plan to nominate her as VP


  9. This comment section brought to you free of Correct the Record paid liars. This how the entire Internet would look without her paid trolls. You’ve been duped by the pinnacle of political machines. You didn’t do the research like 78% of those under 45 did, who consequently support Sanders. Admit it, to yourself if nobody else.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. No, Hillary did not spend 99% of the down ticket money “on herself”. Her campaign got 2,700. The max allowed. The rest went to the state parties. Even if that were true, and it’s not no matter how much you all up vote yourselves, that’s less than the 100% that Bernie spent on himself. You all should go on over to the republican side, because that is who you are helping.


    1. And, the state parties returned it to HER. Her supporters are on the committee saying where it goes and it went back to HER. Several different entities traced it. The states have gotten a pittance of the money and she has received the vast remainder. Check out The Young Turks. They are one tracing where it ended up.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. While there are plenty of reasonable considerations for choosing a candidate who (among other things) rocks the vote in Open Primaries (such as the presidential elections will be), I do not share this writer’s faith that the super delegates will go with Bernie. Why not? Because many of them benefit greatly, if not from Clinton directly, from the horrific plague of lobbyists and their bribes that have infiltrated politics. Bernie would put an end to that, while Clinton is the Queen of Graft. As they say…”Follow the money.” The super delegates on the whole will do just that.


  12. A sign of a sore loser … Unify behind a candidate and let’s go. Either one can beat the “Chump”


    1. If I truly believed Clinton could I would but she has been safeguarded by the Democratic Party and frankly it just too darn risky to run a candidate with her unfavorability in an election this important.


  13. Because, facts. She still wins, even if going by popular vote. More people want Clinto than Sanders, and for good reason. His policy has no substance, he can’t answer basic questions about his platform. He is an egomaniac that thinks the rules don’t apply to him (Hello Vatican vacation). He has no super delegates because NO ONE WANTS TO WORK WITH HIM. Know that PITA at work no one likes? That’s him in Congress. You are dreaming if you think he will accomplish anything in office.


    1. More staunch democrats want Hillary for sure. As far as not wanting to work with him. Almost all the republican candidates cited a time when they did and claimed it as a personal success. But go on keep telling yourself that the same political party that has tried to put her in jail for 25 years is just going to roll over and play nice. Wake up


  14. Anon , no one likes him because they’re all crooks . She doesn’t win because most independents and some republicans are for Sanders . The Vatican trip didn’t break any rules . Not like Bill breaking the rules over and over .he can answer every single question asked . One instance in an interview and that’s all that Killary has against him . He has no supers because they are all bought by the crooked Queen . Your teeth must be rotted from all the kool aid you’ve drunk .


  15. Sanders, Clinton, and Trump are ALL faction candidates. Sanders is better LIKED by the American people, but as an earnest oddball, not as a realistic president.

    Gary Johnson is the only candidate in this race who has executive experience in both business and government and broad appeal across ethnic and political lines. If the public ever discovers this, the choice will be clear.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t he the libertarian candidate? I listen to conservative radio because that’s all we get in Mid Missouri and his name gets brought up occasionally.


  16. and all this time , I thought Sanders and his supporters were AGAINST the SuperPACs/ Superdelegates…

    but now that it will help him they seems to be acceptable ???

    funny, that…


  17. Tulsi Gabbard as VP,
    Elizabeth needs to stay where she is (for now)
    Tulsi give a massive number of the female Hilliary supportes and nearly as good mile stone. The first female VP.
    Bernie serves one term and then after brandnewcongress dot org does its job in 2018 we run Warren to the first female President, Tulsi servers her second term as VP (she is kinda young right now, right?)
    Warren then serves a second term and Tulsi a third as VP (another milestone).
    Then we run Tulsi are Predident…

    Easy peasy

    Hilliary is the WRONG woman


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