Hillary Clinton Should Concede to Bernie Sanders For The Sake of The Republic

The most accurate, yet least used, description of the United States is as a Republic. According to Webster, a Republic is “a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.” And though its use is somewhat reserved … More Hillary Clinton Should Concede to Bernie Sanders For The Sake of The Republic

If Hillary Clinton is Indicted, Colin Powell Deserves an Apology 

Colin Powell did it too. Since the earliest days of the Hillary Clinton campaign, that has been the repeated response of Clinton and her surrogates to any scrutiny she has received, regarding her email practices as Secretary of State. There’s only one problem with the response. It’s simply not true. Though Fox News and other … More If Hillary Clinton is Indicted, Colin Powell Deserves an Apology 

Donald Trump Will Debate Sanders or #ChickenTrump Sticks Forever

There must have been a sinking feeling around Casa De Trump, whenever Donald Trump began his Memorial Day weekend. The recently crowned presumptive nominee of the Republican Party was most likely hoping for a time of celebration, but instead was forced to stare down an infamous moniker that when correctly applied is nearly unshakeable. He … More Donald Trump Will Debate Sanders or #ChickenTrump Sticks Forever

Super Delegates Will Write History by Nominating Sanders in Philadelphia 

Edited by Samantha Best The brainchild of the 1968 Democratic Convention may finally show its brilliance in 2016, when the unbound Democratic superdelegates upend pledged delegates and popular vote and choose their party’s nominee, thus holding the final firewall they were originated for. Superdelegates were never intended to have a majority status. In reality, they … More Super Delegates Will Write History by Nominating Sanders in Philadelphia 

Main Stream Media Strikes Out: 3 Big Things They Missed This Democratic Primary

Even with multiple 24 hour news channels, news stories are missed or not completely covered. Here are 3 of the biggest events that occurred during the democratic presidential primary season that were passed over by major media outlets. Again, this is just 3 of them. If you feel there are more please share in the … More Main Stream Media Strikes Out: 3 Big Things They Missed This Democratic Primary

Hillary is Going Broke and the DNC Can’t Help Anymore

Edited by Samantha Bates It was supposed to be easy, a mere formality of a primary campaign and then the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic candidate for President. The charade would last until March, and then Clinton would pivot to the general election. But something unexpected happened: the fringe candidate Bernie Sanders caught … More Hillary is Going Broke and the DNC Can’t Help Anymore

The DNC Case Against Arizona Could Give Sanders +9 Delegates 

Edited by Samantha Bates To say the least, this primary season has been an educational experience for the average voter. Residents of states across the country are sharing epiphanic moments in time when their preconceived notions of the political process becomes drastically skewed. They are finding out about delegates in a political party. Delegates in … More The DNC Case Against Arizona Could Give Sanders +9 Delegates 

Why is The DNC Playing Kobe Clinton, When They Just Drafted Bernie Curry?

It really is amazing how determined the Democratic Party is on losing this Presidential election. Faced with the obvious difficulty of a third consecutive term in the White House, the party remains content to run their most vulnerable candidate. It’s absolutely maddening. Liken to the Lakers acquiring Steph Curry before last season, and benching him … More Why is The DNC Playing Kobe Clinton, When They Just Drafted Bernie Curry?